Welcome to the Law Office
of Adriane M. Isenberg, P.A.

Gainesville Divorce Attorney

Serving North Central Florida

Experienced in Complex Family Law and Divorce Matters

Family law covers a broad spectrum of areas, ranging from drafting a prenuptial agreement prior to marriage, to resolving complex property settlements and child custody issues stemming from divorce. There are many Florida family law attorneys serving residents of North Central Florida. Finding one who is right for you requires knowing what outcome you want for your future and selecting an attorney who shares your vision. Adriane M. Isenberg is a Gainesville Divorce Attorney who has been helping North Central Florida with family law matters for over 25 years.

What is Family Law?

Family law is an umbrella term often involving a number of interrelated areas of law. “Divorce” is the most familiar area of Family Law known to the general public.

A family law attorney must be experienced in all the areas of divorce, such as: parenting plans; time-sharing; child support; equitable distribution of assets and debts; alimony; attorney’s fees and costs. However, the attorney must also be knowledgeable about:

  • paternity actions
  • dependency issues
  • domestic violence
  • injunctions
  • adoptions
  • guardianship
  • visitation issues
  • …as well as wills and trusts

A good family law attorney should be able to effectively counsel his or her client about which of these legal issues may affect their case. Although the best family law attorneys need to be zealous advocates for their clients in the courtroom when necessary, they should also be effective negotiators, as the most successful outcomes often occur outside of the court through the process of mediation, collaborative practice or settlement methods.

Clients are most satisfied when they have had a hand in creating the settlement that becomes the court’s order. The parties themselves are often most knowledgeable about what is needed in an agreement to ensure a workable final outcome. Parties tend to communicate and collaborate best when they have successfully participated in negotiations with the assistance of their attorneys.

Creative and positive solutions can be achieved in negotiations that would not be possible in the court room.

Gainesville Divorce Attorney Experience Matters.

At the Law office of Adriane M. Isenberg, P.A., we also recognize that negotiations may not succeed. The family law attorneys in our firm have many years of trial experience and are accustomed to litigating complex matters on a regular basis.