Not all divorces need to go to trial.
Collaborative family law practice is relatively new in Florida, but it has been a successful area of family law in other states for a number of years. Adriane M. Isenberg has been trained and certified in Collaborative Family Law practice since 2008.
Collaborative practice is useful and successful for divorcing couples who do not want to get involved in the adversarial process of going to trial. Clients who participate in collaborative divorce sign an agreement stating that they will not go to trial and that they will utilize the services of their attorneys, divorce coaches, financial neutrals (usually accountants), mental health professionals and any other professionals who are necessary to negotiate as a team with the parties. The benefit of collaborative practice is that it assists parties who genuinely want to dissolve their marriage amicably to come to the best possible result in dividing assets, debts, and negotiating parenting plans and time-sharing in the best interest of their children. Once an agreement is reached, the court will usually incorporate it into a divorce decree that the parties can easily understand and follow.