Custody & Visitation

Custody and visitation problems are the most frequently litigated issues in family law.

In the State of Florida, custody is now formally called time-sharing. In both divorce cases and cases involving unmarried parents of minor children, the laws of Florida now require that specific, detailed parenting plans and time-sharing schedules be incorporated into all court orders involving decision-making, custody and visitation of minor children who are not subject to the laws governing the child abuse and neglect system.

Adriane M. Isenberg, P.A., has extensive experience assisting clients in developing parenting plans and time-sharing schedules that best resolve the individual needs of the parties and their children. Although the courts mandate that the plans and schedules delineate regular and holiday visitation, transportation, costs, support, insurance, as well as which parent makes specific decisions concerning the children and when those decisions are made, there is a great deal of flexibility that can be built into the plans. A knowledgeable attorney can craft a plan that satisfies the needs and desires of both the parties and children.

In difficult custody cases, Ms. Isenberg often utilizes the resources of the best psychologists, counselors, parenting coordinators and other professionals. When litigation is required, Ms. Isenberg often calls on the expertise of these professionals to assist the court in making appropriate rulings on all issues of custody, visitation and children’s best interests. Ms. Isenberg is well-known in the community of children’s rights law and enjoys tremendous rapport with all the professionals whose expertise is critical to protecting both children and their parents.