Wills and Trusts

It is astounding that so many otherwise bright and organized people refuse to have a will, a power of attorney or other health-care documents that adequately convey their end-of-life and after-death desires.

The law firm of Adriane M. Isenberg, P.A. is pleased to draft wills, trusts, powers of attorney, health-care surrogacies and living wills for new and existing clients. We also counsel clients on appropriate revisions to previously-existing wills, trusts and other documents.

Although many people prefer to deny the inevitability of their deaths, it is very important to plan for the support and protection of beloved family members as well as to designate the recipients of assets and property owned during their lifetimes. The only time to do this is while they are still healthy enough to make these important decisions.

If one dies without a will and without clear directives about how they wish to be buried, how they want to distribute their wealth and pay their debts, the consequences can be devastating for their remaining family members.

If there are minor children or infirm relatives who would need alternate custodial placements and who would need to have their support monitored in the event of the deaths of their parents or custodians, it is critical to set up an instrument in the form of a trust so that they can be protected until they are old enough or well enough to care for themselves. This trust needs to be created while the custodian is still alive and can express their wishes.